seo strategy creation

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting your website to appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for pertinent keywords is the primary goal of SEO strategy creation (search engine optimization). You must be aware of the appropriate terms to accomplish that—using keyword research in this situation. Finding out what people are searching for regarding your company, products, or services is a process known as keyword research. Your website’s visibility in search results and the amount of targeted traffic it receives can be improved by optimizing it for specific keywords. In this blog, we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of conducting keyword research for SEO strategy creation.

Define Your Goals

Establishing your objectives is crucial before you begin your keyword research. What do you hope to accomplish through SEO strategy creation? The kinds of keywords you target and the metrics you employ to measure your success will depend on your objectives. Following are some instances of typical SEO objectives:

  • If you want more people to visit your website, you should concentrate on high-volume, niche-specific keywords.
  • To increase the number of visitors who become customers, you should focus on long-tail keywords that are more precise to your goods or services.
  • Increase your audience reach by looking for keywords pertinent to similar sectors or niches if your objective is to reach new audiences.
  • Prioritizing your objectives can help you conduct focused and efficient keyword research. Also, it will make it easier for you to evaluate the impact of your SEO efforts.
SEO strategy creation

Brainstorm Your Seed Keywords

Brainstorming your seed keywords is the next step in the keyword research process. The primary words or phrases that describe your company, its goods, or its services are known as seed keywords. These are the words you would anticipate people to search for when looking for what you have to offer. The following advice will assist you in coming up with your seed keywords:

  • Put yourself in your customer’s position and consider the terminology they would use to describe your company or the items they seek.
  • A dropdown menu of suggestions appears as you type a keyword into Google’s search field. You can get inspiration from these suggestions for relevant keywords for your search.
  • Examine competitor websites to identify what keywords they are targeting. Look at the websites of your rivals. This can help you develop keywords you might have yet to think about.
  • Depending on your line of work, your consumers may seek your goods or services using specialized jargon or technical terms. Include them in your list of seed keywords, please.

Using keyword research tools to broaden your list and find similar keywords is possible once you have a list of seed keywords.

Use Keyword Research Tools for SEO Strategy Creation

The best and most relevant keywords for your website can be found using keyword research tools. They provide insights regarding search traffic, competitiveness, and other crucial metrics, and you can use these insights to improve your keyword strategy. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are standard keyword research tools. With the help of these tools, you may enter your seed keywords, produce a list of related keywords, and examine the metrics connected to each keyword. Using keyword research tools will help ensure your SEO campaigns are focused and successful.

SEO strategy creation

Analyze Keyword Metrics for SEO Strategy Creation

It’s crucial to examine the metrics related to each keyword once you have created a list of potential keywords utilizing keyword research tools to gauge their potential effectiveness. Search volume (the number of times a phrase is searched for each month), competition (the number of websites targeting the same keyword), relevancy (how closely the term matches the content on your website), and user intent are the variables to take into account (what the user is searching for when they use that keyword). You can sort your list of keywords according to their importance and concentrate your efforts on those most likely to bring visitors and conversions to your website.

Identify Long-Tail Keywords for SEO Strategy Creation

Long-tail keywords are shorter, more precise phrases with higher purpose and relevance but often lower search traffic. These keywords are highly tailored to a specific demographic or niche and frequently have three words or more. Finding long-tail keywords with less competition and can drive highly targeted traffic to your website can be a successful SEO approach. You can perform customer surveys to see how people search for goods and services in your industry, or you can use keyword research tools to develop variations of your seed phrases. Long-tail keywords can help you rank higher for focused search terms and draw more relevant traffic to your website.

Prioritize Your Keywords for SEO Strategy Creation

Prioritizing your keywords according to their potential influence on your SEO objectives is crucial once you have studied your keyword metrics and determined your long-tail keywords. Consider search volume, competition, relevance, and user intent when deciding which keywords to prioritize. Search for keywords with many monthly searches, little competition, high relevance, and specific user intent. These words will likely attract targeted visitors and encourage conversions to your website. Also, you can rank keywords according to how well they relate to particular pages or areas of your website. By prioritizing your keyword list, you can concentrate your SEO efforts on the keywords most potentially affecting your business.

Create Keyword-Optimized Content for SEO Strategy Creation

The next stage is to generate keyword-optimized content that includes your target keywords after you have determined and prioritized your keywords. This can involve adding pertinent keywords to the meta tags on your website, such as the title tag and meta description. It can also entail producing excellent educational material that naturally uses your goal keywords. When producing content, try to create value for your audience by solving their problems and responding to their inquiries. Avoid loading your content with keywords or employing them excessively since this can hurt your SEO attempts. Increase search engine rankings and drive targeted traffic to your website by writing content optimized for keywords that fit your target audience’s demands.


Each SEO Strategy Creation must include keyword research as a critical component. You may optimize your website to draw in targeted traffic and raise its search engine ranks using pertinent and powerful keywords. Before conducting keyword research, list your objectives and potential seed keywords. After that, examine the data related to each phrase using keyword research tools to find related terms. Prioritize your keywords based on their possible influence on your SEO objectives and produce audience-focused, keyword-optimized content. These methods will help you create a keyword strategy that optimizes your website for traffic and conversions.

Wants to know more about Keyword Research & SEO strategy creation, contact Confused Genies to get the best Digital Marketing Solutions for your business.